May 20 Our three mile (5K) hike through a pine forest was interesting and fun. We obtained a map from the resort and headed out through some urbanization up a hill and into a forested area. The pine trees here are different than we know in the Pacific Northwest. Trunks are heavily barked with a thick outer layer and the needles are very long. The cones are small and produce seeds and new growth in a floral style. I must educate myself to the name of such pine. Anyway...........the birds in that bit of forest were of those that we have not seen outside of this particular habitat. Dan attempted many photo shots, but they would take flight immediately.
We enjoyed seeing a pretty valley and came upon and interesting cactus fence, and a small farm orchard. A view of the sea was our horizon. Upon returning to our resort we had a bit of lunch with the cheese and wine we have purchased the day before ( yummmmmmmmm by the way). The rest of the day was spent by the pool with our kindles. Oh! what a life!
Really. I'm not jealous at all!! :)