Sunday, September 14, 2014


Second stay was near Aberfeldy in a different timeshare in Kenmore next to a lake and set in a rock wall village.  The cottage was comfortable and well equipped and the people around very friendly and helpful with whatever we wanted or needed.  I must say that Diamond Resorts never lets us down.  While there we visited a Safari Experience and were able to feed the red deer on the site and saw a baby feeding from its mother.  We learned much about the deer, their personalities and the antlers and how they grow and how they are used in the cycle of a deer's life.  It gave me new appreciation of this wildlife and now I will have a better understanding of the deer that come down out of the forests above where we live.  All of these deer at this place were  rescue animals for one reason or another and then are raised and do have offspring on this protected property, 
We also at this safari place learned of a barn owl that was rescued and now being raised and taken care of by a gracious man who dearly loves these animals.  The female owl was gorgeous in her plume of white and coppery feathers.  She was extremely intelligent and particularly noisy,  She and the ranger had a unique communication going between them.  The ranger had only had her for three weeks at that time.  She trusted him and flew forth and back from her perch to his heavily gloved hand and her noise indicated that she was happy,  He fed her and she got this exercise/feeding two or three times a day.  The ranger spoke to her as if she was a human child and one could tell that they really like each other.  What a special gift this man has!
We hiked up in the hills above this  village as well. We got a beautiful overview of this serene area with the lake and the sheep on the hillsides.  The trail was muddy at spots, but that was to be expected as it had been rainy and cold while we were there. 
One morning we were surprised to hear and then see from a window a bagpiper welcoming in the Monday morning as she does on a weekly basis there.  We learned later that she was one of the bagpipers marching in with the youth bagpipers.  I rushed to take her photo.  She was gracious to stop walking so I could get the shot.  We enjoyed our daily glass of wine and/or beer on the deck by the lake.  It was a quiet, relaxing part of the day and the scenery so green and beautiful.


  1. What a cool story about the morning bagpiper! I'll look forward to seeing your Scotland photos. It's such a special place!

  2. Love that story. I want to wake up that way!
